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大国医者 国医名师——曾晋中

大国医者 国医名师——曾晋中Great country doctor national medicine teacher —— Zeng Jinzhong大国医者 国医名师——曾晋中大国医者 国医名师——曾晋中 健康是人类永恒的追求。实施健康中国战略,是从源头维护人民健康。中医药学凝聚着深邃的哲学智慧和中华民族几千年的健康养生理念及其实践经验,具有独特的生命观、健康观、疾病观、防治观,在健康中国中发挥不可替代作用。中医药起源于民间,立足于基层,无数基层中医人坚守独具匠心的中医情怀、用独特的思维和方法解决了很多疑难病症,用自己高超的医技书写了很多传奇故事。

Health is the eternal pursuit of mankind. To implement the Healthy China strategy is to safeguard people's health at the source. TCM embodies profound philosophical wisdom and thousands of years of health preservation concept and practical experience of the Chinese nation. It has a unique view of life, health, disease and prevention and treatment, and plays an irreplaceable role in a healthy China. Traditional Chinese medicine originated from the people and is based on the grass-roots level. Countless people at the grass-roots level stick to the unique feelings of traditional Chinese medicine, solve many difficult diseases with unique thinking and methods, and write many legendary stories with their superb medical skills.


In the grassroots Chinese medicine, the contemporary Chinese famous doctor —— Zeng Jinzhong, is a banner of grassroots Chinese medicine, he leads his medical road with "fine" and "sincere", persistent pursuit, adhering to the belief of "benevolence, cultivate morality and help the people" to protect the people's health. He is the "gatekeeper" of the grass-roots people and the builder on the road of healthy China.

大国医者 国医名师——曾晋中

大国医者 国医名师——曾晋中

大国医者 国医名师——曾晋中

大国医者 国医名师——曾晋中

曾晋中 男 汉族1963年2月出生,湖南益阳人,中共党员,大专,中医康复理疗师。从小热爱传承学习中医,于2017年4月1日创立株洲古佛堂传统中医研究院,主要从事人类各种疑难杂症的中医药专业临床研究和治疗,运用内家功法辅以练功疗法,宇宙疗法,心理疗法,打击疗法,闭关饥饿疗法,药物外渗透疗法,血蝗开引疗法,针灸,点穴,烧穴,按摩,推拿,正骨,火疗,水疗,敷药,膏药,酒药,刮痧,拔罐,中药内饮和跌打损伤的各类特种治疗方法及对症汤头和传统中草药专用药品等一系列传统中医诊疗方法。

Zeng Jinzhong male and Han nationality was born in February 1963 in Yiyang, Hunan province, a member of the Communist Party of China, junior college, traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation physiotherapist. Since childhood love inheritance learning of traditional Chinese medicine, founded on April 1,2017, Zhuzhou ancient Buddha hall of traditional Chinese medicine research institute, mainly engaged in clinical kinds of clinical diseases of traditional Chinese medicine, combined with practice therapy, cosmic therapy, psychotherapy, combat therapy, isolation hunger therapy, drug infiltration therapy, therapy, acupuncture, acupuncture, burning, massage, massage, bone-setting, fire therapy, spa, dressing, plaster, wine, scraping, cupping, Chinese medicine drink and falling injury of all kinds of special treatment, and traditional Chinese herbal medicine and a series of traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment.

大国医者 国医名师——曾晋中


The ancient Buddha hall


Clinical research catalogue of comprehensive treatment of difficult diseases in Traditional Chinese medicine:


Combined with the current national conditions, the research projects of the Institute that can effectively treat traditional Chinese medicine or basically cure:














1. The clinical study of 24 types of injury.

2, clinical studies of various kinds of unknown pain.

  • Clinical research of lumbar spine syndrome (including lumbar disc herniation, bulge, stenosis, hyperplasia, degeneration (calcification), cyst, sprain, injury, old and old injury, etc.).

  • Clinical study of cervical vertebra syndrome (including disc herniation, bulge, stenosis, hyperplasia, dislocation, degeneration (calcification), cyst, sprain, injury, old aging injury, etc.).

  • Clinical study of atherosclerosis and deep arteriosclerosis (thrombus).

  • Clinical study of ALS (motor neuron disease).

  • 7, clinical studies of ankylosing spondylitis or spinal neurokinopathy.

    8, and clinical studies of myocardial infarction.

    9, and clinical studies of brain tumor and cerebral infarction.

    10, Clinical study of comprehensive physical and mental diseases and depression.

    11, clinical studies of breast hyperplasia, breast nodules, breast tumors, and endocrine system diseases.

    12, including clinical studies on gout and rheumatic rheumatoid diseases.

    13, clinical research on pathological analysis, diffusion pathway, and classified treatment methods of various "cancers".(Including rectal cancer, stomach cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, endometrial cancer, cervical squamous cell cancer, cervical cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, throat cancer).


    The ancient Buddha Hall was always grateful for the national care,


    Thank the media teachers for their love and help,


    Thank your friends for their attention and concern,


    Must not be all living beings, study,


    We believe that traditional Chinese medicine will surely create miracles for the healthy development of mankind.

    感恩feel grateful


    Zhuzhou Ancient Buddha Hall Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine



    Note: In response to the national integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine, all the symptoms are named after the contemporary disease name


    Case 1: The Story of a great mother and a beautiful woman: The mother is Zhu Lichun (born in 1947). Beautiful woman: born in 1970, independent life, the people introduced on September 10,2020, accompanied by the mother to the ancient Buddha hall visits, readme from ankylosing spondylitis for more than ten years, always insist to treatment, although the treatment are no effective improvement, in the last three years more and more serious, life completely cannot provide for themselves (by Hunan xiangya hospital treatment diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis), by more than 70-year-old mother for 24 hours escort, already under the help of Buddha friends to maintain life faith. Now the body from head to toe stiff without any elastic, small arm and calf part can be small range, double thigh stiff without any gap, slightly the pain, left leg degradation, more than 1 inch shorter than right leg, clear thinking, clearly, can help standing can't walk, but sitting in daily life can not completed independently, suffering for more than ten years, the life extremely hard, life to collapse. This is a woman who really needs help. I decided to save her and help the great mother who has been with her.

    大国医者 国医名师——曾晋中

    大国医者 国医名师——曾晋中


    Source of disease inquiry:


    Patients more than a decade ago, due to low back pain to the hospital intravenous treatment for a month, after discharge legs pain weakness, dizziness, after multiple treatment without improvement, seek treatment which fell three times, cause the whole body pain began to aggravate, the pain more don't want to move (no effective treatment and corresponding movement), all kinds of treatment are no improvement, irritable, then can only lie in bed, began a long road to treatment.


    Treatment method: the whole process of traditional Chinese medicine comprehensive treatment. Treatment progress: he has received comprehensive treatment of traditional Chinese medicine for one month, and now the patient has been improved significantly, and his basic personal life has been able to take care of himself. Now out of the boudoir, embrace the sun. Is with amazing speed, firm confidence, rapid recovery.

    大国医者 国医名师——曾晋中


    Case 2 A female patient with nephrotic syndrome for many years had a blood pressure of 200 acute attack, severe headache, tightness, vomiting, cold sweat, dark complexion, dark purple tongue, white moss, difficult eyes, thin voice, leg cramps, and general weakness. Through the comprehensive treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, emergency treatment, the woman's physical condition has returned to normal. Now the modern unidentified part of the lady's body is displayed (if there is discomfort, please forgive me), warning you must develop good living habits, pay attention to protect their own body, from disease.

    大国医者 国医名师——曾晋中


    A special case: An 18-year-old boy (Kai) from a middle school in Zhuzhou city held his head in his hands with his mother's help. Readme on June 13, this year, neck hold, and slightly bow can not stand, left chest ribs to shoulder pain, cervical pain, headache, left hand hemp, cough, heart, flustered, especially in the evening, feel weak, room hypoxia, breathless, suffocating feeling, not in bed, parents helped to school hold ping wide breath for more than an hour (sometimes a few hours), to consciously breathing normal to go home to sleep, symptoms lasted for nearly a month, there is no way to go to school normally. In the meantime has been in the size of the hospital to do a variety of examination and treatment, also saw a number of psychological doctors, did psychological treatment, the condition is not better, and feel more and more serious. He was introduced to the ancient Buddha Hall for help. By the hall check: found that children autistic, anxiety, fear, dare not see people, eye light, cough, voice, fat body, white moss, veins, clear and smooth thinking, neck shoulder skin black, cervical vertebra 3 to 7 spinal stiff muscle without elastic, cervical vertebra 1 to 3 vertebral left nodules, point pressure has severe pain, the left shoulder well compression tingling, swelling, red, gas, broken throat, zhuang red, red hole most closed, dove tail, belly laugh not and laughter, hands fingers dark white, pressure fingertips blood reflux slow, physical test push-ups one can not complete. Diagnosis: the child's emotional injury is serious, three coke is not smooth, acupoint obstruction, cervical adhesion hyperplasia, cerebellar atrophy, heart hidden fire, kidney gas damage, gas does not go, blood does not nourish, the disease has entered the heart. So the hall suggested to take the child to the big hospital for treatment do not delay, but the child's mother asked the child to provide help. The treatment requires the cooperation of the family and the school. This hall has privately made three treatment suggestions to the parents:

  • 先救命再治病

  • 1, first save the life and then cure diseases

  • 孩子的父亲母亲要增加和孩子的三人共处时间,让孩子感受到父母夫妻和睦,尊老爱幼,家庭温暖

  • 2, the child's father and mother should increase the coexistence time with the child's three people, let the child feel the harmony of parents and husband and wife, respect the old and care for the young, family warmth

  • 减缓孩子压力,学习暂放一边病理分析:此病为独生子女综合症,由情致所伤引发抑郁而来。孩子长期的生活不规律,手机不离手,姿势不平衡,心里太任性,学习压力大,家庭引导失误,遇事抗压能力差,综合系数低,人生方向迷茫,导致身体自动休眠,懒惰,积郁成疾。

  • Pathological analysis: This disease is the only child syndrome, caused by depression caused by emotional injuries. Children's long-term life is irregular, mobile phone from the hand, posture is not balanced, the heart is too capricious, learning pressure, family guidance mistakes, poor ability to resist pressure, low comprehensive coefficient, the life direction of confusion, leading to the body automatic dormancy, laziness, depression into disease.


    Treatment measures: First of all, we should establish full trust with the child, find the right entry point for a single treatment effect, let the child see the hope, feel surprised, boost the confidence of cure, and get the cooperative treatment of the child. Then use the traditional Chinese medicine treatment method, comprehensive treatment. Through more than three months of comprehensive treatment and training of traditional Chinese medicine, now the child's physical discomfort symptoms have all been relieved, the body has recovered well, and his confidence has greatly increased. The physical function and endurance tests have fully reached the standard, 220 push-ups completed in a group, smiling, and the diagnosis is basically cured.


    Charge: lovely children, drum up the courage of life, adhere to practice exercise, and strive to catch up to complete the study, do a brave and tenacious, can assume the family and social responsibility of the strong man.


    More cases、、、

    大国医者 国医名师——曾晋中


    Clinical tracking of a special case


    Special note: Therefore, the case is special, so it is stored in wechat, so that clinical researchers who love traditional Chinese medicine can study and reference, and have no intention to harm relevant units and personnel


    (The illness is true, please forgive me if you have any discomfort)


    2021.12.7, a woman accompanied by her husband to the ancient Buddha hall inquiry, the door does not sit, see me is seems to be crying loudly, tears and nose flow together do not care, sound atmosphere, energetic, blind, only say not to listen, a hospital, a husband, a family, a illness..., fully talk to me for an hour, during which her husband repeatedly said noisy all day by me, and continue to give energy supplement and mind guidance, after an hour the lady looked up and asked me: doctor are you listening? Eyes look at the moment I roar, the lady was surprised, asked me how? Successfully guided her thinking to me. Next, I guided her thinking to keep up with my rhythm and slowly answer my questions. Inquiry that the lady born in 75, a few years ago had a strange disease, upset all day, feel the worm from the foot to section section jump, to the throat, gas will not come, was locked throat, to tongue constantly to the gas out, body pain, then wrist began to swell, when wrist joint serious deformation, feel the world without her place, every day when dark, can't find people, then family every time in the back grave to find her and take home. She said that only there (cemetery) she felt comfortable, after a number of hospital examination and treatment are no improvement, the province of a large hospital hospitalization for more than two years also no improvement (self-report, she to the province of a large hospital rehabilitation department not to register direct treatment, to see her six doctors were noisy to death, the other noisy cancer will die; the other two doctors just see her to see the initiative into "patient", said she is a doctor, she want to treat, they how to order; there are two young doctors see her ran away, not to show her). In recent years has been treating diseases, spent nearly 200,000 yuan has not been better, the family owed a lot of debt but the disease is more and more serious, after a large hospital after the ancient Buddha hall for help.


    After inspection by our office:

  • 女士面无血色,心神不宁,神形分裂,情绪狂燥,思维超前敏感,内清外浑不能自控,有暴力倾向,对生命的渴望有摧毁一切的决心。

  • 1, women face no blood, restless, divine division, emotional madness, thinking ahead sensitive, inside and outside can not control, violence, the desire for life has the determination to destroy everything.

  • 苔白,脉如雀啄,呼吸短促困难,不定时连读舌嗒才能换气,肝部郁结,身体(全身)多条经脉气滞严重,大椎骨质增生且部分穴道大部封闭,气不走穴,血不养津,小脑萎缩,小腹按压有气结,内分泌严重失调,双腕关节红肿变形疼痛难受。

  • 2, white moss, pulse such as sparrow peck, shortness of breath difficult, not regularly read the tongue to breath, liver stagnation, body (body), large vertebral bone hyperplasia and part of the point most closed, gas point, blood not jin, cerebellum atrophy, lower abdomen press Qi knot, endocrine serious disorders, double wrist joint swelling deformation pain.




    Women's physical disease is not a single disease, but multiple complicated diseases, the disease has entered the heart and part of the dirty, continuous consumption of Yang has been life-threatening. Including: severe depression, schizophrenia (schizophrenia), cerebellar atrophy, liver depression, severe endocrine disorders, rheumatism, arthritis, large vertebral bone hyperplasia and other multiple diseases.


    Disease source inquiry:


    The woman's physical disease comes from the long-term thinking of life, boredom, depression, the knot in the heart for a long time not untied, resulting in the body part of the hole closed, gas does not go, blood does not nourish, long down the body has produced a series of concurrent diseases.


    therapeutic measure:


    The whole process of traditional TCM treatment.


    Feedback of treatment effects:


    After 5 days of intensive treatment and more than a year of regular comprehensive conditioning, follow-up observation, the woman has returned to normal life. With the impact of the epidemic, the woman insisted on regular treatment and was not hurt, so she has been happy to find a job to work normally. And have full confidence in the body's full recovery.


    Here, I want to say to my friends that the foundation of a happy life is good health. Health to master by oneself, to be familiar with some of the basic common sense of traditional Chinese medicine, from the diet, life habits, exercise, conditioning, psychological state, social interaction between people conditioning... and so on various aspects details patience to adjust their state, peace of body and mind balance, don't completely to the hospital, drugs, insurance and vaccines, don't think anyway countries have health care, no money to get, many major diseases of the body is his mess dish out. This is a blessing, not a loss. To open their mind, let the national health insurance funds to let the people in urgent need to use, I am no disease I do not use.

    大国医者 国医名师——曾晋中

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    大国医者 国医名师——曾晋中


    Thanksgiving the country to fulfill the wish, the ancient Buddha hall will be down-to-earth inheritance and study of traditional TCM treatment methods, real treatment, behave, do not increase the burden to all living beings, do not give the country trouble, loyal to the party, loyal to the people, sincere to the nation, with the rest of his life to leave some real goods, to add wonderful to the nation. The true way is everywhere, the true Buddha without flowers everywhere is melon. Ancient Buddha Hall Lao Zeng Zhuzhou 。

    古佛堂老曾株洲古佛堂传统中医研究院:13873354629 /微信同号

    Ancient Buddha Hall Lao Zeng Zhuzhou Ancient Buddha Hall Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Institute: 13873354629 / wechat with the same number。


